Just as it is
But but today is the loooongest day of all, only came home at 9+..went for Amath tuition again. Wah, think i studied 12 hours or smth, 7am to 7pm X_X. Its at yew tee, kinda far but at least its good. The cher's house is like a classroom, living room got whiteboard, tables and chairs. its kinda cool, cos his wife also gives tuition but to younger kids, so the house was pretty crowded.. Went with Pam and her classmate Hazlinda, and had fun though its tuition, lol. Went home for dinner on wed but went to mac with them for dinner today, and i feel we click really well together..I used to stay at CCK so quite familiar with that area, and it brought back memories of when i used to live there, since my best friend(last time) stays at yew tee..miss the past, but still, now everything's great too=) can say its better, and its not worse too..guess life just passes too quickly, or maybe we are too 'busy' to enjoy it?
Aiyah, but since its the final lap, i'm just gonna go for it and give my all, you guys too! If you think you can do it, you can..really! Focus focus focus. Haha, suddenly sound like one naggy aunty =.= but really, there's nothing stopping us from doing what we can do, so just do it(not promoting nike or anything xp)
Yep yep, got my bike which i've wanted for the longest time, the coolest mountain bike!! wanted a bike since like, forever..don't jealous frens=) can't wait to bike and explore other places..whoops* Thanks mummy for this b-day present, though actually its kinda er, late.
My most awesome room...i mean bed..and 'nother random shot: