Er, is it gonna be April already??
WOW. Its March 26. Already! Seriously..
I think time past faster when we're 1) Older 2) Having Fun 3) Holiday-ing 4) Slacking. And I'm All Of the Above..LOL...
OKAY, let me tell you about what I did okay, and since I don't really remember what i did in Feb(really! must be getting o-l-d) lets talk about March..
Basically i've quit work--bye ppl at silvershell, miss you guys!--and have been slacki- i mean doing Very Useful things at home like practicing my guitar and calling you lovely friends over to have fun=D Done my enrolment at school, and got my laptop(cool). Mummy got me a digi cam( Double cool!) And I got headphones!!! (Triple COOL!)
And then it was off to HongKong for 5 days, and it was really fun! Totally enjoyed meself,, eat, eat, shop. and then got addicted to disney characters after visiting the Disneyland there, but only awhile lah xp One fab thing, now i've got clothes to wear to poly, yay!
I really miss queenstown man, and the times spent there, especially with friends! It was such a wonderful time , even though studying was tough at times, but let me tell you, when you look back like I'm doing right now, all you'll remember are the good times because there are so much more of those, don't you think?=)
Now that hols are coming to an end..i wish it wasn't! but as the cliche, goes all good things must come to an end=( But i gonna start school with a positive mindset, no matter what, and with God on my side I don't think there's anything to be worried about yeah? Yes and Amen to that!
Indeed He has really told me many times, assured me, that i needn't worry. Roman 8:28 says 'And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who loves Him, who have been called according to his purpose' And in that I truly believe because He has brought me out from so many difficult situations, have brought me so many blessings that i couldn't ever count, that if someone were to ask me 'Is there were a God?' I would say 'How could there Not be a God?'
The sun, the sky, everything we deem wonderful in this world, how could they have come about other than from a Miracle from God? Truly He reigns!=D
Okay, i'll be back people, i'll try to blog again soooon...hope y'all will read my post.=p Must really really make full use of the rest of my hols..hopefully i'll improve much more in the guitar playing department...
Smiles Friends!!^.^
P.S FUn pICs!

All hiding behind Mary..LOL

er, why you all show me peace signs? I very peaceful one okay...=p
I think time past faster when we're 1) Older 2) Having Fun 3) Holiday-ing 4) Slacking. And I'm All Of the Above..LOL...
OKAY, let me tell you about what I did okay, and since I don't really remember what i did in Feb(really! must be getting o-l-d) lets talk about March..
Basically i've quit work--bye ppl at silvershell, miss you guys!--and have been slacki- i mean doing Very Useful things at home like practicing my guitar and calling you lovely friends over to have fun=D Done my enrolment at school, and got my laptop(cool). Mummy got me a digi cam( Double cool!) And I got headphones!!! (Triple COOL!)
And then it was off to HongKong for 5 days, and it was really fun! Totally enjoyed meself,, eat, eat, shop. and then got addicted to disney characters after visiting the Disneyland there, but only awhile lah xp One fab thing, now i've got clothes to wear to poly, yay!
I really miss queenstown man, and the times spent there, especially with friends! It was such a wonderful time , even though studying was tough at times, but let me tell you, when you look back like I'm doing right now, all you'll remember are the good times because there are so much more of those, don't you think?=)
Now that hols are coming to an end..i wish it wasn't! but as the cliche, goes all good things must come to an end=( But i gonna start school with a positive mindset, no matter what, and with God on my side I don't think there's anything to be worried about yeah? Yes and Amen to that!
Indeed He has really told me many times, assured me, that i needn't worry. Roman 8:28 says 'And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who loves Him, who have been called according to his purpose' And in that I truly believe because He has brought me out from so many difficult situations, have brought me so many blessings that i couldn't ever count, that if someone were to ask me 'Is there were a God?' I would say 'How could there Not be a God?'
The sun, the sky, everything we deem wonderful in this world, how could they have come about other than from a Miracle from God? Truly He reigns!=D
Okay, i'll be back people, i'll try to blog again soooon...hope y'all will read my post.=p Must really really make full use of the rest of my hols..hopefully i'll improve much more in the guitar playing department...
Smiles Friends!!^.^
P.S FUn pICs!
All hiding behind Mary..LOL
er, why you all show me peace signs? I very peaceful one okay...=p